血の秘密 Blood Secrets
Seteth's Office
セテス: ……Byleth、改めて礼を言う。おかげでフレンが無事に戻った。
Seteth: Professor... Please, allow me to express my eternal gratitude once more. Flayn is safe and sound, and I have you to thank for that.
Mere words could never express how thankful I am. I...I am indebted to you.
Choice 1: 生徒たちの力だ I couldn't have done it without the students.
セテス: ああ、もちろん生徒たちにも後で礼を言っておこう。
Seteth: Yes, of course. I shall express my gratitude to the students as well.
Choice 2: 本当に良かった I'm just happy she's safe.
セテス: ああ、本当に……。本当に良かった……。
Seteth: Yes, indeed. I...I, too, am overjoyed.
Byleth: しかしなぜフレンが……? But why was Flayn taken to begin with?
セテス: 女神再誕の儀で姿を消した仮面の騎士が、今回の実行犯、つまり死神騎士だった。
Seteth: Her kidnapper was the masked knight who vanished during the Rite of Rebirth. The one known as the Death Knight.
Considering the circumstances, it seems plausible to assume that his true identity is Jeritza.
And we cannot forget about the mysterious Flame Emperor... His true motives are yet unclear.
セテス: しかし……実は私には心当たりがある。恐らく敵の狙いは、フレンの血だ。
Seteth: However, I have an idea. I believe the enemy may have been after Flayn's blood.
The blood that flows through her veins is special. It is extremely rare...and extremely dangerous.
If enemies who know the secret of Flayn's blood have appeared, our only option is to leave the monastery and go into hiding.
フレン: 待ってください、お兄様。
Flayn: Brother, wait.
セテス: フレン……!? お前、なぜここに!まだ安静にしていなければ駄目ではないか!
Seteth: Flayn?! What are you doing here? You should be resting!
フレン: わたくし、嫌です。また人里離れた土地で、誰にも会えず、寂しく暮らすなんて……
Flayn: I do not like the path of your thoughts. I do not wish to live in some lonely, remote location where I never get to see anyone. Not ever again.
セテス: ここに留まれば、また襲われるかもしれん。それならば兄と2人、慎ましく長閑に……
Seteth: If we stay here, you may be targeted again! Wouldn't it be better for the two of us to live in peace?
フレン: ですが、どこかに隠れて暮らしたとしても、見つからない保証なんてありませんわ。
Flayn: Even if we ran off to some new, secret location, there is no guarantee that they would not find us.
That is why I believe it would be safest to stay in the monastery, where we are surrounded by capable knights and professors.
セテス: それは、そうかもしれんが……。
Seteth: I see your point, I do. However...
フレン: ……そうですわ。わたくしを、先生の学級の生徒にしてくださらなくって?
Flayn: You know it is the only reasonable option. What if I were to join the professor's class?
Choice 1: 名案だ That is a great idea. (Flayn ⤴)
フレン: 先生もそう思われます?まあ、なんて嬉しいのでしょう!
Flayn: You think so too? I am so very pleased to hear that!
With a professor like you nearby, I shall be safe no matter what foe should appear!
Choice 2: なぜ? Why would you do that?
フレン: 先生がいつも近くにいてくださるなら、どんな敵が現れても、安心ですもの!
Flayn: Because, with a professor like you nearby, I shall be safe no matter what foe should appear!
セテス: なるほど……そうかもしれんな。
Seteth: I see. I am afraid you have a good point.
Professor... Due to my position, I have closely scrutinized everything about you.
After all that has happened, I must admit that you are indeed...a trusted ally. So, what say you? Can I entrust you with Flayn's safety?
Choice 1: 喜んで It would be my pleasure. (Seteth ⤴)
Choice 2: やむを得ない I suppose I have no choice.
セテス: そうか! 大司教には私から話しておく。フレンのこと、よろしく頼む。
ソティス: フレンが助かって良かったのう。もう一人の小娘はどうなんじゃろうな。
Sothis: I am so glad that Flayn is safe. Yet I can't help but wonder what the story is about the other girl.
She wore the uniform of the academy. But who is she?